Poor's Plot Charity Thurlaston (Charity Registration 232356)
To relieve the poor in Thurlaston, 43 acres of land were
set aside in 1728 to enable the poor of the village to grow crops to support
their families. These plots of land are still used today and called Allotments,
seen by turning right out of Thurlaston along the Coventry Road towards
Dunchurch. The plots of land are on the
left just past the cottages. Today just over one acre of land is in use as Allotments, which may be rented on an annual basis from the charity. The remainder of the land is rented to two local farmers and provides an income to Thurlaston Poor’s Plot Charity.
The Charity was registered in September 1970 and its objectives are to relieve either generally or individually persons resident in the Parish of Thurlaston who are in condition of need, hardship and distress.
Until recent times, money has been distributed for help with winter fuel bills such as coal and electricity. A few years ago the objectives were changed to enable support for education, offering grants of up to £300 to any young person when they leave secondary education and embark on further education or an apprenticeship who would like some financial assistance. Considerations will also be given to requests which are for the general benefit of the community as a whole, so long as they are deemed to meet a need of the community.
Grant applications are usually considered at the next committee meeting of the Trustees; meetings are normally held twice a year in March and September. Applications must be sent to the Secretary at least one week prior to the date of the meeting at which they will be discussed.
A grant application form is available and may be downloaded from this website.
The Charity consists of 7 Trustees, of which three are nominated by the Parish Council and serve a four year term, and three are co-opted by the serving Trustees and serve a 5 year term. The vicar is an ex-officio Trustee.
Trustees: Roland Robinson (Chair)
Dr Sheena Ashford
Paula Irish
Selena Larque (Parish Council nominated Trustee)
Jenny Cooper (Parish Council nominated Trustee)
Rev Patricia Townshend (ex-officio)
Email: Cat Sabine
Tel: 07909 680 508
Minutes of meetings of the Trustees of the Charity are listed below:
17 Oct 2022
21 Feb 2022
25 Oct 2021
07 Sept 2020
24 Feb 2020
30 Sep 2019
04 Mar 2019
24 Sept 2018
05 Mar 2018
16 Oct 2017