The History Group
The History Group (formerly known as the Ancestry Group) is formed of about 10 residents who have an interest in collating historical facts about Thurlaston and its community. The Group tends to meet during the darker, winter months.
In recent times, particularly over the 2020/21 pandemic period, there has been little group activity. However we hope to rectify this and establish one or two workstreams covering both Thurlaston’s Archives, and its Social & Geographical Evolution particularly over the past three centuries.
We aim to build on previous activities such as the 2016 residents' survey, and cataloguing geographical changes with regards to housing stock and the village layout. Tacit with all this will be to use digital technology to record details of artefacts, historical pictures, parish records, and so forth. This will allow us to put information on our website so that it is available 24/7 rather than just being locked up in a vault. An important goal is to create accessible comprehensive records of Thurlaston village and its community that will be available for generations to come.
If you are interested in joining the Group then in the first instance please get in touch with our Parish Clerk. Your support will be very much appreciated.
(updated February 2021)